Monday, February 25, 2008

Wynner-Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is the most important of the traditional Chinese Holidays. It is sometimes called the Lunar New Year, especially by people outside China.The festival traditionally begins on the first day of the first lunar month in the Chinese calendar.

I celebrate Chinese New Year by staying up late on New Year's Eve as it is believed that the longer you stay up,the longer your parents will live.

On the first day of Chinese New Year every year,I would go to my relatives' place to wish them happy new year and stuff like that and the married couples would give out red packets.The amount of money in the red packets are usually in even numbers as it is believed that good things come in pairs and the relatives who are closer to you would give you more than those who are not so close to you.After the red packets are given out,we would stay on and chat a for a while with some of our relatives as we do not see each other very often.After a day of chatting and stuff,we would go home and prepare for the next day,this is how we usually end the first day of the Chinese New Year.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year,we would still go visiting and do the same boring things,but the only difference is that,the amount of money we get from the red packets are lesser than the amount we get first day as the people we visit are lesser in number and more stingy.

On the third day of new year,we would stay at home as there would be no more relatives for us to visit and we would count the amount of money we got from the red packets.

So,most of the time,I go visiting for the sake of the red packets so I would have more money to spend.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Selamat hari raya-a festival that all muslims celebrate.I have always been looking forward to this festival.We celebrate hari for 30 days.The day before hari raya,i will behave as though this world is mine.On the eve of hari raya,my family will help to decorate the house(hanging ketupats all around.And I will always be outside of my house playing firecrackers,waiting for my cousin to arrive.For my parents,the night of the hari raya eve will be spent on cooking lontong(a main malay food cooked during hari raya).So i will be there looking at them cooking the lontong as well as my cousin.On that night,i will always plan not to sleep but eventually,i will fell very asleep.So normally,i will sleep about 3 to 5 pm.The next day,to me is the happiest day of my life because most of the green packet would be given.But before that,around7 something,i will go to the mosque for prayers with my father and my cousins.After that,all of us will seeek forgivenessto each other.Then my favourite 'activity' will start-exchanging of green packets.Normally,the first week will be spent visiting my cousins.Then the second week will be visiting friends house to get $$$.Then,the last few days,nothing much will happen.thats all.

Monday, February 11, 2008


During chinese new year, my family and I will go to supermarkets and department stores to buy new year goods such as drinks and snacks. The night before the new year my family and i will stay up late to countdown for the new year and after that they would give me red packets. The next day we would go to my grandparents house to visit them and to exchange mandarin oranges wishing them happy new year we do not need to visit too many relatives as they would come to visit us instead as my father is the eldest in the family. It was a tradition to visit the elders to show some sense of respect. Receiving red packets is what everyone knows about Chinese new year but who you will expect to receive from the answer is that you will receive from married adults the married adults would get it but the grandparents would get it as the are not working anymore. You should not open the red packets in front of the person who have given you red packets. And this is my experience on Chinese new year.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


I celebrate Hari Raya. On the first day, i will go to the mosque to pray. Then in the afternoon I will go to my grandmother's house, there I will meet my cousins. The dishes served during Hari Raya is also special and delicious. During Hari Raya is also the time to seek forgiveness between one another. I would also get green packets containing money from someone older than me who is married when my family and I visits their house. The whole of Hari Raya my family would be visiting our relatives and I would be collecting money. I am looking forward to this year's Hari Raya.