Thursday, February 21, 2008


Selamat hari raya-a festival that all muslims celebrate.I have always been looking forward to this festival.We celebrate hari for 30 days.The day before hari raya,i will behave as though this world is mine.On the eve of hari raya,my family will help to decorate the house(hanging ketupats all around.And I will always be outside of my house playing firecrackers,waiting for my cousin to arrive.For my parents,the night of the hari raya eve will be spent on cooking lontong(a main malay food cooked during hari raya).So i will be there looking at them cooking the lontong as well as my cousin.On that night,i will always plan not to sleep but eventually,i will fell very asleep.So normally,i will sleep about 3 to 5 pm.The next day,to me is the happiest day of my life because most of the green packet would be given.But before that,around7 something,i will go to the mosque for prayers with my father and my cousins.After that,all of us will seeek forgivenessto each other.Then my favourite 'activity' will start-exchanging of green packets.Normally,the first week will be spent visiting my cousins.Then the second week will be visiting friends house to get $$$.Then,the last few days,nothing much will happen.thats all.